The Honorary Fellowship Award - An Honorary Fellowship is the highest commendation awarded by the Institution. It recognises outstanding service to both the Institution and to the Agricultural Engineering Profession.
There was no Honary Fellowship Awarded this year.
The IAgrE Award Of Merit - The Award of Merit is made to a person distinguished by their work in agricultural science or engineering or one that has rendered outstanding service to the Institution.
There were two awards made this year:
Brian Knight MIAgrE - For his outstanding service to the Agricultural Engineering Profession, his vast depth of knowledge, practical engineering skills and boundless enthusiasm

The IAgrE Award Of Merit
Alastair Tulloch MIAgrE - For his outstanding service to the Agricultural Engineering Profession, by his development and recognition of Landbased technicians and the training of apprentices
IAgrE Award For Contribution To The Landbased Sector - This Award is made to IAgrE members who have made sustained contributions to the landbased sector throughout their career.
There were two winners in 2018:
Richard Smalley FIAgrE - for his experience and expertise in machinery design to the Landbased Sector

IAgrE Award For Contribution To The Landbased Sector
Peter Kettlewell CEng FIAgrE - for his extensive research on livestock welfare and transport in the UK and internationally

The President's Award (formerly the Michael Dwyer Memorial Prize) - The prize is to a mid-career engineer who has made outstanding progress in the agricultural engineering industry. The Institution is delighted that there were two winners again this year:
Dr Rob Simmons MIAgrE - for his outstanding progress in applying fundemental and applied soil science and management to many aspects of agricultural engineering

Branch Meritorious Service Award - Made to members who have consistently rendered outstanding service to their Branch of the Institution or a Technical Group over a number of years, there was one such award this year
Rupert Caplat MIAgrE - Western Branch really enjoyed the day and was particularly happy to have the opportunity to catch up with some old friends.

Douglas Bomford Paper Award - The Award is offered to the author or authors of a paper which, in the previous calendar year, was published in full in the Institution journals “Landwards” and/or “Biosystems Engineering”. At least one of the authors must be a member of the Institution. The winner of the Award this year, for her contribution to the paper "Probabilistic modelling for bystander and resident exposure to pesticides using the Browse software", Marc C. Kennedy, M Clare Butler Ellis, Biosystems Engineering, Volume 154, February 2017, Pages 105-121, ISSN 1537-5110
Dr Clare Butler Ellis CEnv FIAgrE

Special 80th Anniversary Awards:
The IAgrE Team Achievement Award - this was awarded in recognition of successful teamwork and demonstrates what can be achieved through collaboration
Hands Free Hectare Project, HAU and Precision Decisions - Kit Franklin AMIAgrE, Martin Abell, Jonathan Gill

Special 80th Anniversary Awards
Branch Award for an Inspirational Lecturer
Presented posthumously to John Kilgour CEng FIAgrE - his wife Patricia, son Robert and daughter Vivien were pleased to accept the award in his memory
IVEL Award - This award is made at the LAMMA Show to a new product that demonstrates the most positive contribution to the environment, This year's IVEL Award went to Mzuri Ltd for their innovative seeder the Pro-Til Xzact
Ausra Landy, Mzuri Ltd Business Development Director was delighted to attend the Awards Presentation and collect the Ivel Award on behalf of Mzuri Ltd.

Student Awards
IAgrE CNH Industrial Award - Made on the basis of a dissertation or thesis undertaken by an undergraduate or postgraduate student as part of their studies demonstrating innovation and practical application in the landbased industry.
Michail Giannitsopoulos for his PhD Thesis, Cranfield University - for his thesis "Optimising Conservation Tillage Systems for Wheat & Oilseed Rape Production"

Student Project Award - This award is given to the best final year project submitted as part of a course leading to ND, NVQ Level 3, or similar qualification in land based engineering.
Thomas Mathias, Coleg Sirgar - for his project "Net Lifter for Round Baler" - Thomas also won the Safety Award detailed below
IAgrE Safety Award - This award has been established to encourage and recognise innovation in safe design or operation of equipment or processes by students studying agricultural engineering or subjects related to the application of engineering and technology to the land based sector.
