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IAgrE is the professional body for engineers, scientists, technologists and managers in agricultural and allied landbased industries. Click the icons to find out more.

Information on Intellectual Property

Marks and Clerk LLP                                    

Marks & Clerk - an IAgrE Commercial Partner - is one of the world’s leading IP firms. They advise clients on how best to obtain, protect, exploit and defend their IP rights, including patents, trade marks, plant variety rights and designs.

They operate in all sectors, and their agricultural technology team includes specialists in biological, chemical, mechanical and electronic technologies, including software and design protection. 

Marks & Clerk also has a specialist team of IP solicitors providing commercial services, such as for joint development agreements, non-disclosure (confidentiality) agreements, acquisitions and licensing.

Follow this link to the Marks & Clerk website for more general information on patents, trade marks and designs. There is also an Insights page, with news and analysis on the legal and commercial ‘need-to-knows’ in IP.

If you have any Agritech IP queries, our team would be very pleased to have a chat - free of charge and without obligation. 

In early 2022, Marks & Clerk ran a series of online seminars on IP and invited IAgrE to partner them in this.  You can access the seminars on this playlist.

Sheila Wallace

Chemistry team (London)

Chartered (UK) and European Patent Attorney

Robert Carpmael

Mechanical team (London)

Chartered (UK) and European
Patent Attorney, European Design Attorney

Andrea Williams

Senior Associate

Biotech (Cambridge)

Chartered (UK) and European Patent Attorney

Lara Sibley

Senior Associate

Electronics/software (London)

Chartered (UK) and European Patent Attorney

Philip Bennett


Chemistry team (London)

Chartered (UK) and European Patent Attorney



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