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Membership & Registration at a Glance
IAgrE is the professional body for engineers, scientists, technologists and managers in agricultural and allied landbased industries. Click the icons to find out more.

Our History

IAgrE was established in 1938 by a small group of far-seeing and enthusiastic engineers and agriculturists.  We are proud of our long history and providing our members with over 87 years of agricultural experience.



1938 – IAgrE founded on 24 May 1938 by a small group of engineers and agriculturists

1941 – Establishment of the Institution’s journal

1943 – Regional activities commence with a branch in Scotland opened

1945 – Aims and objectives of the Institution printed in hard copy

1947 – Establishment of Department of Agriculture at King’s College, Newcastle

1958 – Over 150,000 copies of the Institution‘s Safety Code sold

1960 – Revised Memorandum and Articles of Association

1969 – New grades of Honorary Fellow and Fellow introduced

1969 – Became a registered charity

1972 – Douglas Bomford Trust begins

1974 – Offices moved from Rickmansworth to Silsoe Campus, Bedfordshire

1985 – IAgrE nominated and authorised body of Engineering Council

1988 – Golden Jubilee Celebrations including a jubilee conference

2004 – IAgrE authorised body of Society for the Environment

2010 – Offices relocated to Cranfield University on the Cranfield Campus

2013 - IAgrE Celebrates 75 years promoting professionalism in Agricultural Engineering

2018 - The Institution celebrates 80 years with a Landmark Conference and an Anniversary Awards Celebration at Wrest Park

We are collating Members Memories for our Archive and pages have been created on the website to house these.  If you have memories you would like to share please contact Sarah, 01234 750876 who will be pleased to help.


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IAgrE offers membership grades for every stage of your
career - your passport to professionalism...
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