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Membership & Registration at a Glance
IAgrE is the professional body for engineers, scientists, technologists and managers in agricultural and allied landbased industries. Click the icons to find out more.

Join IAgrE Now

Quick Entry to IAgrE

There are a number of ways of gaining immediate access to IAgrE membership and benefits. Please read the following overview and choose your grade of membership

Student Student membership costs £25 per annum and is sponsored by the Douglas Bomford Trust (DBT) so is FREE to you. You must be following a course in a scientific, engineering, agricultural engineering or other relevant technical subject within Europe. JOIN NOW online as a Student
Technician (TIAgrE) The Technician grade is for those who are qualified at a vocational or technical level and costs £38.00 (DD). You will have completed an apprenticeship, certificate or diploma in a scientific, engineering, agricultural engineering or other relevant technical subject. You will have built up early experience and career development and will be working in a technical role. JOIN NOW online as a Technician
Member (MIAgrE) Member grade is open to those who have technical and/or scientific qualifications acceptable to IAgrE, coupled with 5 years professional experience. For those that have less than 5 years experience Associate Member grade (AMIAgrE) may be recommended. Membership starts at £42.50 for AMIAgrE and £137.00 for MIAgrE (Direct Debit) JOIN NOW online as a Member
Affiliate (AIAgrE) The Affiliate grade is open to anyone that has a general interest in the work of the IAgrE but does not possess the necessary technical qualifications for other grades.  Join our community and be a part of IAgrE from as little as £80.00 (DD). JOIN NOW online as an Affiliate

Thinking of a Higher Grade?

If you are thinking about upgrading your membership and/or of professional registration, send us an up to date CV.  We will then advise you on next steps. Or you can complete the form in our Forms & FAQs

If in doubt, just ask us. Telephone 01234 750876 or email [email protected]

Quick Links

Click on the following links to find out more about:

Find your Membership Grade Your Membership Benefits
Professional Registration Helpful Guidance Notes

Why you should join IAgrE Now

1. Registration - Belonging to IAgrE allows you to register as a Professional Engineer or Chartered Environmentalist showing that your qualifications have been quality assured to match those of other professionals

2. Recognition - Gives you post nominals which allows you to demonstrate your competence in a competitive environment also giving status and recognition of your professionalism

3. Contacts/Network - Broadens your contacts within the industry away from your specialism, company and college, allows access to the “movers and shakers” in the sector.  Make friends at Branch meetings, on committees and at other IAgrE events.  Join us on our Social Media, Facebook, Linked in and Twitter

4. Knowledge Exchange – allows you to access experts from membership and call on them for information guidance and support – a community of expertise


5. Continuous Professional Development – allows you to broaden your professional development by attending conferences, meetings, technical talks etc. IAgrE’s recording tool allows you to build your living CV and share it with mentors, colleagues and employers

6. Code of Conduct – signs you up to a code of conduct/ethical structure that gives those for whom you work confidence in your integrity and a discipline process if they feel you do not live up to the codes.

7. Making a difference – allows you to give something back to the industry and drive it forwards, influencing debate and ultimately getting involved with policy making. You can “put something back” and benefit

8. Information – the journal and other communications keep you up to date with what is happening in the industry

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IAgrE offers membership grades for every stage of your
career - your passport to professionalism...
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