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Student Membership Application Form

1. Personal Details

It is vital that we have your correct email address

2. Declarations

Data Protection

understand and consent to the information provided on this form being processed by the IAgrE for its sole use (including my Local Branch), for the purpose of promoting, delivering and improving my experience of the IAgrE and its products and services or such other purposes as are described in the IAgrE Privacy Statement and Disclaimer. I give my permission for IAgrE to access my information for management, administration and registration purposes. I confirm that I wish to receive notification (by post or electronic means) of IAgrE products, events and services which may be of interest and benefit to me.

Data Protection

I declare that the statements made on this form are to the best of my knowledge true. I agree to comply with the Memorandum and Articles of Association, and associated Regulations of the Institution of Agricultural Engineers (IAgrE). I understand that this is a commitment to behave ethically within my profession. I will do my best to promote the interests of the IAgrE. I confirm that I have not committed any offence of which the IAgrE would require me to give notice under its Rules of Conduct. The Rules of Conduct, Memorandum and Articles of Association, and associated Regulations are published on the website

3. Course Details