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Membership & Registration at a Glance
IAgrE is the professional body for engineers, scientists, technologists and managers in agricultural and allied landbased industries. Click the icons to find out more.


The Technician grade of IAgrE Membership is for those who are qualified at a vocational or technical level or have completed an apprenticeship or extended diploma. They will be working in the industry and will have built early experience and career development in the workplace. They will be keen to be part of the IAgrE family and seeking a cost effective way of getting involved and benefiting. This grade may include farm machinery service engineers, people working in precision farming and soil science working as technicians, instructors and trainers.  The postnominal TIAgrE is permitted at this grade.

Candidates will have a minimum technical education to at least Level 2 in Agricultural Engineering or an equivalent landbased, scientific, or environmental subject and are established in employment in a vocational and/or technical role. 

Apply Now by completing this online form - then send your certificates and if you wish a supporting CV to Alison or 01234 750876

When we receive your application we will contact you and let you know if we need any further information.  

For more information, please contact Alison on 01234 750876


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IAgrE offers membership grades for every stage of your
career - your passport to professionalism...
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