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IAgrE is the professional body for engineers, scientists, technologists and managers in agricultural and allied landbased industries. Click the icons to find out more.

Rhodri Williams

My name is Rhodri Williams and I am studying MEng Agricultural Engineering at Harper Adams University. My family roots are from West Wales where I grew up. Since beginning my studies at Harper Adams, many opportunities have been put in front of me, including working for CLAAS in their Advanced Development department in their headquarters at Harsewinkel, Germany, where I spent my placement year.

During my spare time, I love to travel, where my travels have taken me to many countries. During the recent summers I have been on harvests both operating, and repairing machinery.

Being a member of the IAgrE is a brilliant opportunity to gain knowledge, and improve my network within the industries. I am privileged to be appointed a council member with the IAgrE, bringing across a student opinion on matters, and hopefully ensuring the best future for the Institution. I look forward to working with the IAgrE as well as improving myself along my career path that lays ahead of me. 

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