Registration for the 4th edition of the Farming by Satellite Prize was officially opened today by Deputy Director General Pierre Delsaux, DG Grow, European Commission who was speaking in Brussels at the European Parliament during the Conference “Agriculture: a new frontier for the European space policy” organised by MEP Eric Andrieu.
The ‘Farming by Satellite Prize’ has a top prize of €5,000 and asks the question: “How can we use satellite technologies to improve agriculture and reduce environmental impact?”.
The aim of the prize is to promote Europe’s Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) and Earth Observation (EO) services in agriculture. We’re looking for new ideas and innovations, particularly those relying upon European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service (EGNOS), the forthcoming GALILEO system, or Copernicus. Entries can be from individuals or teams, and be about any type of agriculture.
The full Press Release is available here and for further details and to enter see the Farming by Satellite website.