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Biosystems Engineering announces its outstanding paper awards for 2024

For many years Biosystems Engineering has presented awards for outstanding papers published over the preceding two-year period and announced the winners to coincide with scientific conferences organised by EurAgEng. It normally selects three award winners.

The papers receiving awards were nominated from a short list of papers selected out of more than 400 publications by the journals thirteen editors. Dr Peter Demeyer, editor-in-chief, was pleased to see that the winners demonstrate not only the high quality of the articles the journal published but also the broad nature of work involved in our discipline.

“This year we rewarded authors researching into the performance of automatic greenhouse climate control, a theoretical framework for cooperation of unmanned systems and sustainable fish culture. It was especially pleasing to see that these researches were the result of cooperations involving research groups with atypical but very synergetic expertise. In one case this interdisciplinary cooperation also went across continents.”








Wouter J.P. Kuijpers, Duarte J. Antunes, Simon van Mourik, Eldert J. van Henten, Marinus J.G. van de Molengraft

Weather forecast error modelling and performance analysis of automatic greenhouse climate control




Control Systems Technology Group, Eindhoven University of Technology, 5600 MB, Eindhoven, the Netherlands

Martina Mammarella, Lorenzo Comba, Alessandro Biglia, Fabrizio Dabbene, Paolo Gay

Cooperation of unmanned systems for agricultural applications: A theoretical framework




Institute of Electronics, Computer and Telecommunication Engineering, National Research Council of Italy, Politecnico di Torino, Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24, 10129, Torino, Italy

Sara M. Pinho, Jéssica P. de Lima, Nurhayati Br Tarigan, Luiz H. David, Maria Célia Portella, Karel J. Keesman

Modelling FLOCponics systems: Towards improved water and nitrogen use efficiency in biofloc-based fish culture




Mathematical and Statistical Methods (Biometris), Wageningen University, P.O. Box 16, 6700 AA Wageningen, the Netherlands


Biosystems Engineering, the peer-reviewed engineering science journal owned by IAgrE is a truly international journal publishing articles from across the globe. It is also the official journal of the European Society of Agricultural Engineers (EurAgEng). This year the AgEng 2024 conference took place in Athens on 1-4 July and IAgrE announced winners from Australia, USA and France