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IAgrE is the professional body for engineers, scientists, technologists and managers in agricultural and allied landbased industries. Click the icons to find out more.


The Forestry Engineering Group (FEG) within IAgrE was created to represent various facets of forest engineering. It aims to encourage and facilitate the exchange and expansion of knowledge, learning and communication between engineers and other professionals who develop, shape, and add value to the infrastructure and products of the countryside, for the overall benefit of society.   

The group aims to build a healthy, multi-purpose forest industry supported by its own accomplished professionals. It aspires to be the central source of information on forest engineering topics. The group also wish to create knowledgeable  managers for the future who will take this developing industry to secure profitability and environmental excellence.

FEG has created a forum for engineers and their associates who work and share an interest in the forest industry to meet and exchange their experience and knowledge. By being a part of IAgrE, FEG maintains an avenue of contact with like minded professionals in other parts of the landbased sector.

What is a Forest Engineer?

Someone who applies the principles of engineering in the forest industry. They are generally involved in the fields of civil, mechanical and process engineering. The diversity of topics can range from road and bridge building, machinery design and management to the processing end which involves operations such as pulping, sawing and board making.

The forest engineer works in partnership with the forester, each using his or her special skills with either an engineering or biological emphasis to manage the ever changing forest industry.

The forester will provide the expertise to develop the resource and the forest engineer will provide the expertise necessary to develop the infrastructure and processing systems required to convert the tree to timber products for the market place. Together, and with other specialist professionals, they will plan, harvest and manage multipurpose forests to the benefit of owners, the public and the environment.




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