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West Midlands Branch Technical Talk - Simulation for Agricultural Vehicles & Precision Farming

West Midlands Branch Technical Talk - Simulation for Agricultural Vehicles & Precision Farming

Speakers: Steven Child, Senior Technical Sales Manager | Claudio Maroni, AgriSI product manager

AgriSI is a simulation platform designed to address two aspects of agricultural machinery: vehicle dynamics (in co-simulation with IPG CarMaker/TruckMaker) and precision farming technologies.  Further information on the Truckmaker & IPG in general may be found here.

▪ Built starting from experimental or multibody models (e.g. MSC Adams).
▪ ICE, electric and hybrid powertrain with dedicated gearbox and driveline.
▪ Tire model calibration accounting for plastic soil.

▪ Power flows through PTO and resistance forces during operations
▪ Control logics according to precision farming technologies.
▪ Calculation of forces and moments due to soil tillage.
▪ Implement geometry definition

▪ Import any field in the world with real shape and morphology.
▪ Parametrization of soil characteristics.
▪ Possibility to introduce edge situations: rain, fog, obstacles.
▪ Multi field scenario, up to a complete digital farm.

▪ Georeferentiation with GPS noise injection
▪ Import prescription maps
▪ Import or generation of optimal trajectories
▪ Parametrization of sensors for on-the-go operations.

AgriSI is available as standalone software or can be integrated into a static driving simulator (for Driver In the Loop approach). In both cases, it can be connected to a real-time computer (IPG Xpack 4) for Hardware In the Loop simulations.

Contact [email protected] for the Zoom details

17/09/2024 - 7.30pm start - meeting opens at 7pm
Online via Zoom