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West Midlands Branch AGM 2024

West Midlands Branch AGM 2024

 The main AGM topics are:

Election of Officers - we need a Chairman and Secretary. 

Stuart Martin and William Waddilove have been 'struggling on' with support of other committee members -  and we would like to thank you all for your help over the past year.

If you would like to join the committee or - better still - take on one of the above key rolls please reply to [email protected]

Future programme

We welcome your input with respect to developing and arranging future events. It would be appreciated if you could offer topics and willing speaker suggestions. 

Following the formal business we will receive the Presidential address from Steve Constable.

We are currently planning a visit for May (details TBC ) and a presentation proposal for the autumn.

If you wish to join this meeting please email [email protected].

12/03/2024 - Zoom meeting opens at 7.00pm
Meeting via zoom