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South East Midlands Technical Talk - Soil health and restoration

South East Midlands Technical Talk - Soil health and restoration

Speaker:  Dick Neale, Technical Manager at Hutchinson's

Provisional title:  Key means of assessing the health of our soils and restoring and sustaining them for future generations

Assessing and measuring for soil health is proving to be a bit of a paradox.

Creating a healthy soil environment requires a multitude of functions and life forms to come together in a symbiotic ‘mass’ …but above all we need to change human interaction …the mindset!

The paradox comes in that we can clearly judge soil health improvements via appearance, feel, colour and smell, the soil works easier and water management improves …but we struggle to demonstrate measurable impacts

We can measure moisture content …but not where it is

We measure chemically extractable nutrients that does not reflect soil processes

We can burn off and weigh OM content …but is the carbon:nitrogen ratio in balance?

We can measure CO2 output but which trophic level is responsible for this in your soil?


Above all my presentation will focus on mindset …with that in the right place we can change the world via making your business more resilient and profitable.

This meeting will be held via Zoom

Contact John Stafford for more information 01525 402227

12/04/2021 - 7.30pm TBC