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Membership & Registration at a Glance
IAgrE is the professional body for engineers, scientists, technologists and managers in agricultural and allied landbased industries. Click the icons to find out more.

Research & Development and Teaching

Research, development and teaching in agricultural engineering is carried out in four types of organisation. These are specialist research institutes, the universities, colleges of further education and the equipment manufacturers.

Research institutes employ graduates and technicians from many disciplines on projects of a fundamental nature. Many are concerned with the problems of environmental protection, food safety, pollution and animal welfare. Other projects are concerned with the introduction of new technologies such as robotics and satellite imagery to agriculture. Posts are advertised nationally, many are on a contract basis only but may offer the opportunity to study at higher degree level.

University academic appointments will normally require a teacher to engage in research as well. Only a limited number of universities (and university colleges) are concerned with agricultural engineering in UK although a number of overseas posts are advertised from time to time. The research interests of the universities are very broad ranging and mostly sponsored by government, charitable trusts or industry. Universities may also provide opportunities for academic staff to undertake consultancy work and will have a good honours degree as a minimum.

Teaching posts in Colleges of Further Education are mainly concerned with courses at technician and craft levels orientated towards providing practical engineering skills. A successful teacher will require a combination of good academic qualifications at HND level or above and industrial experience. About 20 colleges in UK provide courses in agricultural and horticultural engineering.

Equipment manufacturers employ development and test engineers to ensure that they do not fall behind in the development of new models of proven reliability. These engineers work in close liaison with the designers reporting back any weaknesses that are found during testing and assisting in finding solutions to any problems. Development engineers are normally qualified to HND level as a minimum.


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