The Honorary Fellowship Award - An Honorary Fellowship is the highest commendation awarded by the Institution. It recognises outstanding service to both the Institution and to the Agricultural Engineering Profession.
Dr Steve Parkin HonFIAgrE pictured receiving his award from IAgrE President Professor Mark Kibblewhite CEnv FIAgrE

The IAgrE Award Of Merit - The Award of Merit is made to a person distinguished by their work in agricultural science or engineering or one that has rendered outstanding service to the Institution. The award went to:
Professor Brian Chambers (posthumously) Mrs Yvonne Chambers, Brian's widow receives the Award on her husband's behalf with two of her three children, Katherine & Harry from IAgrE President Professor Mark Kibblewhite CEnv FIAgrE
Roger Lane-Nott FIAgrE The former CEO of AEA thanks the Institution for the award.
Professor E Wynne Jones Professor Jones is delighted to finally be able to receive his award, awarded in 2011

IAgrE Award For Contribution To The Landbased Sector - This Award is made to IAgrE members who have made sustained contributions to the landbased sector throughout their career. This year's winner was:
Mr Richard Trevathern MIAgrE Richard is delighted to receive his award, pictured here with President Mark Kibblewhite

Michael Dwyer Memorial Prize - The prize is to a mid-career engineer who has made outstanding progress in the agricultural engineering industry. The winner this year was:
Mr Jeremy Burgess, Managing Director of Sparex - Jeremy is pictured thanking the Institution for the award.

Branch & Group Meritorious Service Award - Made to members who have consistently rendered outstanding service to their Branch of the Institution or a Technical Group over a number of years, there were two awards this year:
Mr James Hunter, AMIAgrE - South East Midlands Branch - James, pictured receiving his award from President Mark Kibblewhite
Mr Bruce Hamilton, MIAgrE - Forestry Engineering Group - Bruce is pictured with President Mark Kibblewhite and CEO Alastair Taylor MIAgrE

Douglas Bomford Paper Award - The Award is offered to the author or authors of a paper which, in the previous calendar year, was published in full in the Institution journals “Landwards” or “Biosystems Engineering”. At least one of the authors must be a member of the Institution. The winner of the Award this year, for his contribution to the paper “Soil translocation by narrow openers with various bent leg geometries” (Aliakbar Solhjou, John M. Fielke, Jacky M.A. Desbiolles, Chris Saunders, Biosystems Engineering, Volume 127, November 2014, Pages 41-49, ISSN 1537-5110)
Dr Christopher Saunders AMIAgrE
Dr Saunders is currently living in Australia and was unable to collect his award in person but wished to thank the Institution, the Douglas Bomford Trust and his fellow authors.

IVEL Award - This award is made at the LAMMA Show to a new product that demonstrates the most positive contribution to the environment, This year's IVEL Award went to Trelleborg Wheel Systems for their Progressive TractionTM Agricultural Tyre Technology
Bruce Lauder receives the Award from Andy Newbold, Past IAgrE President

Student Awards
Johnson New Holland Trophy Paper Award - This trophy is awarded for the best final year project submitted as part of a First Degree, HND or HNC course in land based engineering. This year's award was presented at LAMMA to :
Owen Doran of the Institute of Technology, Tralee with his paper "Modulating Trailer Brake Systems" Paul is pictured receiving his trophy from Andy Newbold, IAgrE Past President

Student Project Award - This award is given to the best final year project submitted as part of a course leading to ND, NVQ Level 3, or similar qualification in land based engineering. This year's winner was:
Emyr Jones, Coleg Sir Gar, for his project "Universal Front Loader/Linkage Tool/Quad Carrier". Emyr is pictured receiving his award from Andy Newbold, IAgrE Past President

IAgrE Safety Award - This new award has been established to encourage and recognise innovation in safe design or operation of equipment or processes by students studying agricultural engineering or subjects related to the application of engineering and technology to the land based sector. This year's winner was Owen Doran of the Institute of Technology, Tralee with his paper "Modulating Trailer Brake Systems" |