Awards 2014
The 2014 IAgrE Awards Ceremony was held during the Annual Conference held on 21 May 2014 at Cranfield University. Citations for each award are available in the downloads section on the right.
The IAgrE Award Of Merit
The Award of Merit is made to a person distinguished by their work in agricultural science or engineering or one that has rendered outstanding service to the Institution. The award went to: Mr Alan Plom MIAgrE (pictured with IAgrE President Professor Mark Kibblewhite CEnv FIAgrE)
Last year's winner Dr Bill Day FIAgrE was also presented with his award
at this year's conference.

IAgrE Award For Contribution To The Land Based Sector
This Award is made to IAgrE members who have made sustained contributions to the land based sector throughout their career. This year's winner was: Mr Richard Danby FIAgrE

Michael Dwyer Memorial Prize
The prize is to a mid-career engineer who has made outstanding progress in the agricultural engineering industry. The winner this year was: Mr Austin Jarrett of Turfmech Machinery Ltd.

Branch Meritorious Service Award
Made to members who have consistently rendered outstanding service to their Branch of the Institution over a number of years, the award this year went to: Mr John Gough MIAgrE of the Wrekin Branch

Douglas Bomford Paper Award
The Award is offered to the author or authors of a paper which, in the previous calendar year, was published in full in the Institution journals “Landwards” or “Biosystems Engineering”. At least one of the authors must be a member of the Institution. The winner of the Award this year, for his contribution to the paper "Non-biased prediction of soil organic carbon and total nitrogen with vis-NIR spectroscopy, as affected by soil moisture content and texture" was: Dr Abdul Mounem Mouazen MIAgrE
(pictured with Mr John Fox HonFIAgrE, Emeritus Trustee of the Douglas Bomford Trust)

IVEL Award
This award is made at the LAMMA Show to a new product that demonstrates the most positive contribution to the environment, This year's IVEL Award went to Garford Farm Machinery for the "Garford Robocrop Spot Sprayer". Michael Garford

Student Project Award
This award is given to the best final year project submitted as part of a course leading to ND, NVQ Level 3, or similar qualification in land based engineering. This year's winner was: Daniel George, Coleg Sir Gar,
for his project "Wheel assist (mobile wheel remover for large machinery)"
receiving his award from Alastair Taylor, IAgrE's CEO.

IAgrE Safety Award
This new award has been established to encourage and recognise innovation in safe design or operation of equipment or processes by students studying agricultural engineering or subjects related to the application of engineering and technology to the land based sector. This year's winner was Jamie Venables, Harper Adams, for his project "The design, build and testing of an all-in-one sheep handling device".