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IAgrE is the professional body for engineers, scientists, technologists and managers in agricultural and allied landbased industries. Click the icons to find out more.

Stephen Brunner MIAgrE

Many thanks for your kind letter of good wishes, enclosing Certificate of 60 years membership of the Institution which arrived whilst we were away.

How the years have gone by! After two years NOA at Harper Adams, with no family farm to go to, it was on to Writtle, NDAgrE and student membership of IAgrE.

I was taken on by Ford Tractor Operations as a trainee gaining experience in several departments before becoming a test engineer not far from here in Suffolk. Then it was on to sales and marketing based at Basildon but working with overseas markets.

I saw many changes over 36 years as the business evolved to what is CNH today, but considered myself to have been most fortunate in the career that basically chose me! I met my wife on a trip to Africa. We lived in Greece for three years and Michigan for four and visited many countries that sadly, some of which I would not wish to go to today.

I have always valued my membership of the Institution, enjoyed the meetings of the Essex Branch, and again in Suffolk prior to the wretched Covid lock down. I always look forward to the next issue of Landwards. Whilst based at Basildon, I served for a couple of years on the Education and Training Committee.

Again it has been most encouraging and interesting to see how the Institution has expanded and developed over the years into the highly respected organisation it is today.

I send you and your team my very best wishes for the future. 

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